Speak / Lesson 20

Review of Unit 2


how are you?

Note: In Persian, as in many other languages, there is a formal and an informal way of speaking. We will be covering this in more detail in later lessons. For now, however, chetor-ee is the informal way of asking someone how they are, so it should only be used with people that you are familiar with. hālé shomā chetor-é is the formal expression for ‘how are you.’

Spelling note: In written Persian, words are not capitalized. For this reason, we do not capitalize Persian words written in phonetic English in the guides.


I’m well

Pronunciation tip: kh is one of two unique sounds in the Persian language that is not used in the English language. It should be repeated daily until mastered, as it is essential to successfully speak Persian. Listen to the podcast for more information on how to make the sound.

Persian English
salām hello
chetor-ee how are you?
khoobam I’m well
merci thank you
khayli very
khayli khoobam I’m very well
khoob neestam I’m not well
man me/I
bad neestam I’m not bad
ālee great
chetor-een? how are you? (formal)
hālé shomā chetor-é? how are you? (formal)
hālet chetor-é? how are you? (informal)
khoob-ee? are you well? (informal)
mamnoonam thank you
chetor peesh meeré? how’s it going?
ché khabar? what’s the news? (what’s up?)

Leyla: Hello, and welcome to lesson 20 of Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation! This is the review lesson of unit two of the podcast series.

Matt: We'd like to remind you that additional information and the previous lessons are available on our website at chaiandconversation.com

Leyla: More on that later. For now, Matt, are you ready to begin the lesson?

Matt: Ready!

Leyla: Great, let's begin to learn Persian with Chai and Conversation.

Leyla: So in this lesson we're going listen to a couple different dialogues that consolidate all the words and phrases we learned in unit 2 of the program. Please remember that you can find a transcript of these dialogues on the bonus materials on the website. It's helpful to read along with the transcript as you are listening. Let's get started. First, we are going to have a visit to the in-laws house.

Salam, haleh shoma chetore?

Vala, bad neestam Matt jan, hale to chetore?

Hale man ham khoobeh.

Jayeh Ladan khalee. Ladan chetore?

Ladan ham khoobeh mamnoonam!

Khob, befarma besheen!

Khaylee mamnoon.

Befarma chayee.

Dastetoon dard nakoneh.


Na, tazeh nahar khordam merci. Kahesh meekonam.

Leyla: So this is dealing with the vocabulary of hosting, which we spent a few lessons on in this unit. Hopefully you understood most of the conversation, but let's go over it again. First of all, Matt said

Matt: salam haleh shoma chetore

Leyla: We learned this in the first unit, and it is the formal way of saying 'how are you?' Matt's inlaw replied

Matt: Vala, bad neesetam Matt jan, hale to chetore?

Leyla: Vala is actually an Arabic term, but it is used often in the Persian language. It literally means truth to God, but is translated as truthfully. So, truthfully, I'm not bad, vala bad neestam. Then, Hale to chetore? Let's repeat that hale to chetore?

Matt: Hale to chetore?

Leyla: Now we learned in the last unit that to say how are you informally, you say 'halet chetore' but in this case the in law wanted to empahisize the informal you, to. Hale to chetore. And how are YOU doing.

Matt: Next the inlaw said a phrase you may have heard before in conversation 'Jayeh Ladan khalee.' This is a phrase that is spoken very often in the Persian language, and it is used when someone could not be there. It literally means 'Ladan's place is empty' but figuratively means 'Ladan is missed'. So too bad she's not here with us right now, 'Jayeh Ladan khalee'. Let's try repeating that 'Jayeh Ladan khalee'

Matt: Jayeh Ladan Khalee

Leyla: The rest of the conversation should be simple after having learned the previous lessons, but at the end, Matt says khaylee mamnoon' which means thank you and the in law replies 'khahesh meekonam'. This means You're welcome . 'Khahesh meekonam'

Matt: Khahesh meekonam

Leyla: Now let's go waaay back to lesson 12. In that lesson we went over higher numbers, the days of the week, months and seasons. First Matt, let me ask you 'emrooz che roozeeye?' We haven't learned this specifically, but you should be able to put it together'

Matt: Which day is it today

Leyla: Exactly. Emrooz means today, che means which, and roozee-ye is a combination of roozee and hast,, so put all together it is which day is it. Emrooz che roozeeye.

Matt: Emrooz cheh roozeeyeh

Leyla: And Matt, can you answer that question?

Matt: I'll try. Emrooz shoonzdahomeh Decembre hast.

Leyla: Exactly, so today is the sixteenth of December. How did you come up with the number shoonzdahome?

Matt: Well, shoonzdah is the number sixteen. When you're saying the date you have to use the ordinal number so that would be shoonzdahom. And we have to add an ezafeh or an 'e' to signify that sixteen belongs to the December. So the sixteenth of December, shoonzdahomeh December.

Leyla: Excellent, that's exactly right. So in the end, it becomes 'emrooz shoonzdahomeh Decembre hast.' And unit 3 of Chai and Converastion will go into this in way more detail, but if we want to combine December and hast we would say Decembre-e. Emrooz shoonzdahomeh Decembre.

Matt: Emrooz shoonzdahomeh Decembr-e

Leyla: One thing we didn't do in the lesson is go over the category name for each of these concepts so let's do that now. You already know the word for day, it is rooz

Matt: Rooz

Leyla: The word for week is hafte

Matt: Hafte

Leyla: The word for month is mah

Matt: Mah

Leyla: And season is fasl

Matt: Fasl

Leyla: Now, let's try another dialogue combining vocabulary from different lessons in this unit. In this instance, Matt has been invited to a party by his wife Lada, but he arrives before she does and does not know the host of the party who greets him at the door.

Salam, khosh amadeen.

Salam, mamnoonam. Een khooneyeh shoma-st?

Baleh, Een khooneyeh mane.

Cheh khooneyeh ghashangee!


Esme man Matt-e!

Salam Matt jan, man Zohreh hastam.

Salam Zohreh jan! Man shohar-e Ladan hastam. Ladan eenja neest?

Na hanooz! Vali befarma too, lotfan, dare baroon meeyad!

Leyla: Ok, so in this case, the host opens the door and says 'salam khosh amadeen!' We've learned this before, what does it mean Matt?

Matt: It means hello, you are welcome.

Leyla: Right exactly. And Matt asks 'een khooneyeh shoma-st?' which means

Matt: Is this your house?

Leyla: And the host replies 'Baleh, een khooneyeh mane' Or yes this house is mine. Matt compliments her by saying 'cheh khooneyeh ghashangee!' What does this mean Matt?

Matt: What a beautiful house.

Leyla: Right exactly. Then he introduces himself. We have learned several iterations of how to introduce your could have said Esmam Matt-e which combines Esme and man. Esmam. As you become more comfortable with the Perisan language, you will find which phrases you are most comfortable using yourself. For now,

Leyla: At the end of the conversation, the host says 'vali befarma too lotfan, dare baroon meeyad!' Too means inside. What does the whole phrase mean Matt?

Matt: It means but please come in, it's raining!'

Leyla: Now, for the next part of the review, on the PDF Guide of this lesson, there are pictures of 2 chicks. One is yellow and one is blue, and they have different characteristics. If you have the PDF Guide, take a look at these pictures now. Matt, I am going to ask you to look at the chickens are describe them to me, using vocabulary we learned in lesson 17. I'll say one to get you started.

Matt: Yek morgh zarde va yek morgh abeeyeh. What does this mean?

Matt: One chicken is yellow and one chicken is seeyaheh.

Leyla: Ok great. Can you make any statements about them since you are observing them?

Matt: Sure. Een morgheh zard koocheektar az een morgheh seeyaheh.

Leyla: Ok, perfect. Een morgheh zard, this yellow chicken, koocheektar az een morgheh seeyaheh, is smaller than this black chicken. That was perfect. Anything else?

Matt: Een morgheh seeyah bozorgeh.

Leyla: Ok, this black chicken is big. That's good. Maybe try one more?

Matt: Een morgheh bozorg neest, vali ghashangeh.

Leyla: Haha, ok, so this yellow chicken is not big, but it's beautiful. That's a very nice thing to say Matt.

Leyla: Ok, so hopefully by listening to this lesson, you have gotten a good refresher of the materials we have learned in the past 9 lessons. If anything sounded unfamiliar to you, or if you have forgotten any of the vocabulary, go back and listen to lesson from which it came so you can feel confident with the materials moving forward. And that brings us to the end of lesson 20.

Matt: We hope you enjoyed this lesson!

Leyla: The next unit of Chai and Conversation will be a very exciting one. In it, we will be going over general concepts of grammar of the Persian language in a way that will hopefully greatly increase your grasp of the language.

Matt: Please let us know how you like the lessons so far. If there are any concepts you would like to learn more about, please do not hesitate to let us know. Your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.

Leyla: As always, find more on our website at www.chaiandconversation.com, with Chai spelled CHAI. Support us by purchasing the bonus materials and letting us know what you think.

Matt: We look forward to you joining us next time on Chai and Converastion.

Leyla: And until then, beh omeedeh deedar from Leyla

Matt: And khodahafez from Matt!