Speak / Lesson 19
How to Talk About Love and Friendship
In this lesson, we learn how to talk about love and friendship. We learn common terms of endearment, how to compliment a loved one, and how to talk about your marital status.
We also learn how to say 'I love you' in Farsi, which might be a bit more complicated than you would think. There's not a direct translation of 'I love you.' Rather, you could say 'I am in love with you' (man āsheghetam), or 'I like you' (doostet dāram) which often gets used in the place of 'I love you'.
The most common term of endearment in the Persian language is jān or joon (either one works). This is often said after a loved one's name. For instance, if you are talking to your friend named Sarah, you could call them 'Sarah joon' to show them that you really care for them. You could also use it to call a family member. For instance, the word for maternal uncle in Persian is dāyee. Uncles are often called 'dāyee joon' meaning dear uncle.

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how are you?
Note: In Persian, as in many other languages, there is a formal and an informal way of speaking. We will be covering this in more detail in later lessons. For now, however, chetor-ee is the informal way of asking someone how they are, so it should only be used with people that you are familiar with. hālé shomā chetor-é is the formal expression for ‘how are you.’
Spelling note: In written Persian, words are not capitalized. For this reason, we do not capitalize Persian words written in phonetic English in the guides.
I’m well
Pronunciation tip: kh is one of two unique sounds in the Persian language that is not used in the English language. It should be repeated daily until mastered, as it is essential to successfully speak Persian. Listen to the podcast for more information on how to make the sound.
Persian | English |
salām | hello |
chetor-ee | how are you? |
khoobam | I’m well |
merci | thank you |
khayli | very |
khayli khoobam | I’m very well |
khoob neestam | I’m not well |
man | me/I |
bad neestam | I’m not bad |
ālee | great |
chetor-een? | how are you? (formal) |
hālé shomā chetor-é? | how are you? (formal) |
hālet chetor-é? | how are you? (informal) |
khoob-ee? | are you well? (informal) |
mamnoonam | thank you |
chetor peesh meeré? | how’s it going? |
ché khabar? | what’s the news? (what’s up?) |
testeeeee |
Leyla: Hello everyone and welcome back to Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation!
Matt: You have made it to lesson 19, the last lesson of Unit 2 of Chai and Conversation. Lesson 20 will be a review of all the material we learned in this unit.
Leyla: Please do remember that all of our previous lesson and bonus materials can be found on our website at chaiandconversation.com, with chai spelled CHAI. In the very first lesson of Chai and Conversation, we listed several reasons you might have for learning the Persian language. Since then, we have received many personal emails from you our listeners on specific reasons that you are learning.
Matt: The reason vary widely, but many of you have some sort of personal connection with a Persian speaker. Either you are in a relationship with a Persian speaking person, or you have close friends or acquaintances who are Persian speakers, and you would like to be able to communicate with them in Persian.
Leyla: The ultimiate goal of Chai and conversation is to teach you conversational skills so that you can communicate more effectively with others. So in this lesson, we would like to learn how to express feelings of love and friendship. The Persian language has so much vocabulary tied to these concepts, and you will hear these expressions used in many day to day conversations. So let’s get right on with it. So Matt, , are you ready to begin lesson 19?
Matt: Ready!
Leyla: Great, let’s begin to learn Persian with Chai and Conversation!
Leyla: Let’s begin with an incredibly important word, although it is a bit difficult to say, and that is the word for love, esgh.
Matt: eshgh
Leyla: So obviously this is difficult because it combines the sound sh with the less familiar sound gh. Eshgh
Matt: Eshgh
Leyla: And the word for friendship is ‘doostee’
Matt: Doostee
Leyla: Eshgh va doostee, love and friendship, the two central concepts of this lesson.
Leyla: You can say ‘you are my love by saying ‘to eshghe manee’
Matt: To eshgheh manee
Leyla: Manee is a combination of man which means me and hastee, which is the second person conjugation of the word to be. We’ll go over conjugations in more detail in the unit 3 of chai and conversation. So again, to say ‘you are my love,’ you say ‘esgheh manee’
Matt: Esgheh manee
Leyla: Now, there’s not really a way to say ‘I love you’ exactly, but instead, you say ‘I’m in love with you’ which in Persian is ‘asheghetam’
Matt: Asheghetam
Leyla: So this is informal, and it’s most often used with someone with whom you’re in a romantic relationship. So Matt, you would say this with Ladan. Asheghetam
Matt: Asheghetam
Leyla: You might also hear a mother say this to her child, or with two very close friends, but again, the closest translation is ‘I’m in love with you’, so you shouldn’t use it too lightly. To say ‘I like you’ you say ‘Dooset daram’
Matt: Dooset daram
Leyla: We’ve heard the root of that expression before, when we learned how to talk about thing we like. For example, man chookoolat doost daram. So again doostee is the word for friendship and doost is the word for friend. Doost
Matt: Doost
Leyla: And can be used for a male or female friend. But back to the expression ‘dooset daram’. So, in English, the concept of ‘I like you’ doesn’t come up too often unless it’s between school children. It’s a much more common phrase in Persian though, and two people who are in love can use it, for example, in lieu of the much more serious sounding ‘I’m in love with you’. But depending on who you are talking to, dooset daram can be substituted for ‘I love you’. It can also easily be said to friends and between family members. So one more time, dooset daram
Matt: Dooset daram.
Leyla: To ask someone if they love or like you, you can ask ‘doosam daree?”
Matt: Doosam daree?
Leyla: This literally means ‘do you like me,’ but in context would mean ‘do you love me.’ Doosam daree?
Matt: Doosam daree?
Leyla: With both phrases, to say them properly in the manner in which they’re written, you would pronounce the ‘t’ in the word ‘doost’. So doostet daram and doostam daree. But in conversation, the second t gets dropped so it sounds like dooset daram and doosam daree. After you have asked ‘doosam daree?’ and someone has answered ‘baleh dooset daram.’ You can answer by saying that you also like or love them by say ‘man ham dooset daram.’
Matt: Man ham dooset daram
Leyla: Now let’s learn a few important terms of endearment. Iranians love to use terms of endearment, even in casual conversation. One extremely common word you will hear is the word ‘jan’. The word jan literally means soul or spirit, but in this context essentially means the same thing as ‘dear’. Jan
Matt: jan
Leyla: So, Matt, I could refer to you as Matt jan. And you could call me
Matt: Leyla jan
Leyla: And this is just a respectful way of talking to people. It can be said to friends, relatives, significant others. Another way of saying it is joon instead of jan. Joon
Matt: Joon
Leyla: And this is just as common. So Matt joon and
Matt: Leyla joon.
Leyla: So let’s use this in a short conversation. I’ll start.
Leyla: Matt jan, chetori?
Matt: Khaylee khoobam Leyla jan, to khoobee?
Leyla: Man ham khoobam. Ladan jan chetore?
Matt: Ladan jan ham khoobeh.
Leyla: So in this conversation, we each referred to each other as our names followed by ‘jan’ and we did the same when we referred to Matt’s wife. This is very common in Persian conversations. Let’s learn another important term of endearment, and that is ‘azizam’
Matt: Azizam
Leyla; This can be translated as ‘my dear.’ So you can use this word to replace someone’s name. For example, you could say ‘Salam azizam!’ or ‘Azizam, chookoolat doost daree?” and so on. Azeezam
Matt: Azeezam
Leyla: Just as azizam means ‘my dear,’ the word jan can be transformed to ‘janam’ to mean the same thing. Janam
Matt: Janam
Leyla: Often times in conversation, when you call out someone’s name, they will answer with ‘baleh janam?’ Meaning ‘yes, my dear?’ So again, janam
Matt: Janam
Leyla: We can also transform these words in a different way. By saying azeezamee you are saying ‘you are my dear’. Azeezamee is a combination of azeezam and hastee. So you are my dear, azeezamee
Matt: Azeezamee
Leyla: You can also say janamee
Matt: Janamee
Leyla: As we said before, jan literally means soul, so this phrase means you are my soul. Janamee, a combination of janam and hastee. Janamee
Matt: Janamee
Leyla: One term of endearment that might seem strange is to call someone ‘jeegar’
Matt: Jeegar
Leyla: Jeegar literally means ‘liver’ but for some reason, it is a sweet word to call another person. So you can refer to someone as ‘jeegar’, and this would be seen as a very sweet thing to do, similar to calling someone ‘honey’ in English. Jeegar
Matt: Jeegar
Leyla: So let’s review all these words one more time. To say I’m in love with you, you say ‘asheghetam’
Matt: Asheghetam
Leyla: To say I like you, you say ‘dooset daram’
Matt: Dooset daram
to follow someone’s name with ‘dear’ you use the word jan
Matt: jan
Leyla: or joon
Matt: joon
Leyla: My dear is azizam
Matt: Azizam
Leyla: You are my dear is azeezamee
Matt: Azeezamee
Leyla: You are my soul is janamee
Matt: janamee
Leyla: And finally, a sweet term, literally translated as liver is ‘jeegar
Matt: Jeegar
Leyla: Now, we learned in a previous lesson that the word ‘ghorbanat’ could be used as a form of saying goodbye. Ghorbanat literally means ‘I am your sacrifice,’ but is a very common phrase in the Persian language. Another form of this expression is ‘ghorboonet beram’
Matt: Ghorboonet beram
Leyla: This means ‘I hope I become a sacrifice for you’, and is just a phrase used to mean that you really like someone. So again, Matt, this is a phrase you could say to Ladan, and in that context, it would mean that you really really like her. Ghorboonet beram
Matt: Ghorboonet beram
Leyla: Again, because Iranians exaggerate so much, this phrase can be said to anyone- to a close friend, to a niece or nephew, to a child or parent, to a boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. And now, because we’re on a bit of a romantic path, let’s learn a few phrases that pertain to romance. We’ve already learned how to say I love you. Now let’s learn how to compliment someone. Zeeba is the word for beautiful. Zeeba
Matt: Zeeba
Leyla: So to say you are very beautiful, you simply say khaylee zeebayee
Matt: Khaylee zeebayee.
Leyla: Zeebayee is a combination of zeeba and hastee. The word for pretty is ‘khoshgel’
Matt: Khoshgel
Leyla: So you could say ‘khaylee khoshgelee’
Matt: Khaylee khoshgelee.
Leyla: In both these phrases you could replace khaylee with che. Che khoshgelee
Matt: Che khoshgelee.
Leyla: This just means ‘how pretty you are!’ Both pretty and beautiful are more likely to be said to a woman. A word that you could use when talking to a man is ‘khosh teep’
Matt: Khosh teep
Leyla: And this means something along the lines of handsome. So khosh teepee means you are handsome. Khaylee khoshteepee
Matt: Khaylee khoshteepee
Leyla: In all these phrases we have been using informal language because I’m assuming that if you feel comfortable using romantic language with someone, you are comfortable talking to them on an informal basis. Now let’s learn a very cheesy phrase that many people have been asking about, and we’ll leave the romance for a bit. To say ‘give me a kiss’ you could say boos bede
Matt: Boos bede
Leyla: Boos is the word for kiss and bede is the second person conjugation for to give. So give me a kiss, boos bede
Matt: Boos bede
Leyla: Ok, enough of the mushy stuff. Now, let’s learn to talk about our marital status. To say I’m single, you say ‘man mojaradam’
Matt: Man mojaradam
Leyla: To say ‘I have a wife,’ you say ‘man zan daram’
Matt: Man zan daram
Leyla: To say I have a husband, you say ‘man shohar daram’
Matt: Man shohar daram.
Leyla: I have a girlfriend is ‘man doost dokhtar daram
Matt; Man doost dokhtar daram
Leyla: So doost dokhtar is a direct translation of ‘girl friend’ and means the same thing in Persian as it does in English. And knowing that the word for boy is pesar, what is the word for ‘boyfriend’ Matt?
Matt: Doost pesar
Leyla: Exactly, so you could say ‘man doost pesar daram’
Matt: Man doost pesar daram
Leyla: Meaning I have a boyfriend. You could also say namzad daram, meaning I have a fiancé. Namzad daram
Matt: Namzad daram
Leyla: Ok, so we’ve learned a lot of words in this lesson so far. And we thought, what better way for Matt to try out his new vocabulary than to have a conversation with his wife Ladan. So we sent him out with a tape recorder to do just that. Let’s listen in
Matt: Salam Ladan jan
Ladan: Salam azizam
Matt: Khaylee dooset daram
Ladan: Man ham dooset daram
Matt: Khaylee asheghetam.
Ladan: Man ham asheghetam
Matt: Khaylee khoshgelee
Ladan: Haha, ghorboonet beram Matt jan.
Leyla: Ok, so this was a super romantic conversation between Matt and Ladan, all using vocabulary we learned in this lesson. Thanks Matt for doing that, and thank you to Ladan for participating in the cheesy conversation! And that brings us to the end of lesson 19.
Leyla: So as we said, this was the last lesson in Unit 2. The next lesson will be a review of all the words and phrases we learned in this unit.
Matt: Unit 3 will be starting soon, and it will be a bit different than all the lessons we’ve had before.
Leyla: Hopefully you feel you have a bit of a grasp on conversational Persian, and you’ve been able to practice your conversational skills a bit, either by yourself in front of a mirror, or preferably with other Persian speakers. In the next unit, we’re going to try to understand the grammar behind many of the words and phrases we’ve learned so far so that you can feel even more confident with everthing we’ve been learning
Matt: As always, you can find bonus materials for this lesson and all of our previous lessons on our website at www.chaiandconversation.com with chai spelled CHAI
Leyla: And please like our facebook page for updates on lessons and bonus materails, and to discuss topics about the Persian language
Matt: As always, thank you for listening and we look forward to you joining us next time on Chai and Conversation
Leyla: Until then, ghorbaneh shoma from Leyla
Matt: And beh omeedeh deedar from Matt!