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12 Things to Call Your Persian Lover

Leyla Shams
February 12, 2014

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, so we thought there's no better time to compile a list of unique Persian terms of endearment for you to shower your sweet love with. Many of these terms are similar to those found in the English language, while some are quite different, and would almost be insults (or nonsensical) in English.

1. aziz-am

azizam, my dear

This is one of the most common Persian terms of endearment, and simply means 'my dear.' You'll hear Iranians say this all the time, whether to lovers, friends, or family alike, and even to people they're not very close to.

2. joon-am

joonam, my life

This is a slightly more extreme term of endearment and means 'my life,' but as we know, Persians are prone to exaggeration and have no problem using extreme language casually. So, again, this is a term that may be used with mere acquaintances as well as with more intimate friends. The word joon, while literally meaning 'life,' can also be used to mean 'dear,' and commonly follows the utterance of a name. So for instance, if you are talking to your friend Sarah, you can call her 'Sarah joon,' as a nice gesture of friendship.

3. jāné del-am

jane delam, the life of my heart

This is a very romantic term (but again, can be used for family and friends) meaning 'the life of my heart.' A note here that the word jān is the same as joon seen above. These two words are the exact same and can be interchanged. So jooné del-am, jāné del-am, either way is sure to ignite love and passion.

4. sheereen-am

shirinam, my sweet

The word sheereen in Persian means 'sweet,' and this term is similar to calling someone 'honey' or 'sweetie' in English.

5. hamsar-am

hamsaram, my spouse

This term falls more into the 'lover' category, as it is a common word for 'spouse.' However, hamsar literally means 'equal head,' so it stands for an equal partner, and is therefore a poetic way to point out one's better half.

6. ātashé del-am

atashe delam, the fire of my heart

This is a good example of the fiery passion of Iranians. ātashé del-am is a common phrase to use for loved ones, and literally means the fire of my heart.

7. delbar-am

delbar-am, the one who has my heart

Delbar is a term that refers to someone who has stolen or holds your heart, so delbar refers to a soulmate or true love.

8. (moosh) moosh-am

moosh moosham, my mouse

What's with Persians and using mice as the epitome of cuteness and desirability? We don't know, but it's common to call a loved one moosh, or little mouse. Just a little warning, saying it the way we have here, moosh moosh-am is definitely one of the cheesiest things to call someone, but also very sweet.

9. jeegar-am

jigaram, my liver

Similarly, what's with Iranians and liver? Calling someone your liver, or jeegaram, is one of the most romantic of compliments.

10. nāzanin-am

nazaninam, my sweetheart

Nāzanin is a word meaning sweet or dear, and is also a common Persian girl's name. The word nāzi (pronounced naazee, not like the German word) is also a common word of endearment and has a gentle and sweet connotation.

11. omr-am

omram, my life

Similar to joon-am, the word omr in the Persian language means life, so when you call someone omr-am, you are calling them your life force.

12. nooré cheshm-am

noore cheshmam, the light of my eyes

This term of endearment is pretty self explanatory. Eyes are the window to the soul, and this is a way of telling someone that they are the light of those windows.

And that's it, 12 words that you can call your Persian lover. Are there any terms of endearment that you've heard or used that we're missing? If so, leave them in the comments below! Also, for a complete lesson of phrases to use with friends and lovers, be sure to check out Lesson 19 of Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation!

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