Speak / Lesson 63
Time and Date (Vocabulary Sprint)
In this lesson, we go over common vocabulary words for the time and date. This includes the words for the seasons and days of the week. The days of the week in Persian are:
Monday | doshambé | دوشَنبه |
Tuesday | seshambé | سِهشَنبه |
Wednesday | chārshambé | چِهار شَنبِه |
Thursday | panjshambé | پَنج شَنبِه |
Friday | jom'é | جُمعِه |
Saturday | shambé | شَنبِه |
Sunday | yekshambé | یِک شَنبِه |

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how are you?
Note: In Persian, as in many other languages, there is a formal and an informal way of speaking. We will be covering this in more detail in later lessons. For now, however, chetor-ee is the informal way of asking someone how they are, so it should only be used with people that you are familiar with. hālé shomā chetor-é is the formal expression for ‘how are you.’
Spelling note: In written Persian, words are not capitalized. For this reason, we do not capitalize Persian words written in phonetic English in the guides.
I’m well
Pronunciation tip: kh is one of two unique sounds in the Persian language that is not used in the English language. It should be repeated daily until mastered, as it is essential to successfully speak Persian. Listen to the podcast for more information on how to make the sound.
Persian | English |
salām | hello |
chetor-ee | how are you? |
khoobam | I’m well |
merci | thank you |
khayli | very |
khayli khoobam | I’m very well |
khoob neestam | I’m not well |
man | me/I |
bad neestam | I’m not bad |
ālee | great |
chetor-een? | how are you? (formal) |
hālé shomā chetor-é? | how are you? (formal) |
hālet chetor-é? | how are you? (informal) |
khoob-ee? | are you well? (informal) |
mamnoonam | thank you |
chetor peesh meeré? | how’s it going? |
ché khabar? | what’s the news? (what’s up?) |
testeeeee |
Leyla: Hello and welcome to lesson 79 of learn Persian with Chai and conversation. My name is Leyla and I'm your teacher for the course.
Chris: And my name is Chris. I'm the co host for our vocabulary sprints, and my husband and I'll be learning Persian along with you.
Leyla: And this is the third episode in our vocabulary sprint series. In the first one we learned about animals. The second one we learned about colors, and now we're moving on to time and dates. We're going
Chris: to cover a section of the vocabulary words that are associated with this theme, but there are lots more and lots more material that you can cover. You can find that material on our website. It's Chai and conversation.com Chai spelled ch CHAI.
Leyla: and without much further, Chris, are you ready to begin to learn?
Chris: Let's do it.
Leyla: All right, then let's begin to learn Persian with Chai and conversation. So if you're following these podcasts in real time, we are releasing this episode in March, which is the month of the Persian New Year. So Iranians don't follow the same calendar as they do in the West. It's not the Gregorian calendar, which starts on January 1, instead, the first day of the new year is on March 21. And what is that holiday called?
Chris: Well, that is nowruz. That's a very important holiday in, in the Persian tradition. It's, it's one of my favorite. We've done videos on that before. But why is it that the Persian calendar starts in March?
Leyla: Well, because it's the first day of the spring starts usually around March 21. This year, it's actually March 19. It's the earliest that I've ever seen it, but it's when the earth enters the equinox. It's the first day of the new year and so our calendar goes along with Be seasons. So for today, we're going to cover time and dates. And we're going to go over the seasons. And let's get right into it. So Iranians have two different words for the word time. So let's start with that. One word is simply vakht. And as you should know by now, when I say a word, and Chris repeats it, you should repeat it along with him. This is a little bit of a difficult word to say, again, it's vakht
Chris: vakht.
Leyla: And this is more, add the word for the measurable time. So like hours and like time of the day. So something that you can measure is vakht
Chris: vakht. so so what I use that word if I was going to ask you what time it is,
Leyla: We'll get into that. But the other word that we have for the concept of time is zaman
Chris: zaman
Leyla: That's right. And if you could see me right now I said that word with a lot of With a dramatic flair because it is a very dramatic word. It's it's the concept of, you know, the epic time of like,
Chris: the infinite,
Leyla: the infinite, exactly.
Chris: unknowable
Leyla: zaman. So some on exactly. So it's not something that's just like measurable that you can see throughout your day. It's like, the concept of like time flowing zaman.
Chris: Okay, so for our listeners, let's all take a moment, stop whatever you're doing, unless you're driving, and, but let's all contemplate the infinite and say zaman.
Leyla: it's a good thing to do. So again, then there's the concept of measurable time, vakht. And then there's the concept of zaman
Chris: zaman
Leyla: all right, and let's get into kind of the more measurable concepts of time. Let's talk about the seasons. Okay. So, season in general is fasl
Chris: fasl
Leyla: Yes. So it's a little hard because you have this two constants together the se and the le sound, fasl
Chris: fasl
Leyla: fasl and season and we're about to get into the season of spring. So spring in Persian is bahar
Chris: Bahar
Leyla: perfect to Bahar and after Bahar comes summer, tabestoon,
Chris: Tabestoon
Leyla: and after tabestoon, Payeez
Chris: so that's fall. Payeez
Leyla: and I think that's Chris's favorite.
Chris: It is I love the fall because you get to wear jackets and I think I look best.
Leyla: again payeez and the winter zemestoon
Chris: zemestoon. So again let's go over all of these spring, bahar
Leyla: summer. Tabestoon
Chris: Tabestoon.
Leyla: Tabestoon
Chris: tabestoon
Leyla: the fall payeez
Chris: payeez
Leyla: and winter zemestoon
Chris: Zemestoon
Leyla: Ok, now let's go to other more more measurable concept of time. So let's start off with a year a year is called sal
Chris: sal
Leyla: a month is called Mah.
Chris: Mah
Leyla: and mah is also the word for moon unrelated. Mah,
Chris: Mah
Leyla: month and moon
Chris: and also is very close to the word for fish.
Leyla: Mahi.
Chris: Yeah, you Mahi, you would know that if you listen to our first vocabulary sprint.
Leyla: That's right. And then a week is hafteh,
Chris: hafteh.
Leyla: So let's keep going. Let's make it smaller a day. You should know this one really well. Chris it's Rooz
Chris: Rooz.
Leyla: And that's the name of our firstborn son.
Chris: That's right.
Leyla: Hour is sa'at
Chris: sa'at
Leyla: and then keep going a minute. Daygheh
Chris: daygheh
Leyla: So this word is a little difficult because it's that's not how it's written. In written version, it's dayeegheh, but no one says that they all say, dayegheh
Chris: daygheh
Leyla: Yep. So we're gonna just say it like that daygheh
Chris: daygheh
Leyla: That's a difficult word. second is sonyeh
Chris: Soneeyeh
Leyla: So that one's really easy, Sonyeh. So again, let's zoom out and then go all the way to a second. So a full year sal,
Chris: sal
Leyla: then a month. Ma,
Chris: Ma.
Leyla: A week, hafdeh
Chris: hafdeh
Leyla: A day, rooz
Chris: rooz
Leyla: van hour, sa'at
Chris: sa'at
Leyla: and a minute daygheh
Chris: daygheh
Leyla: vand second sanyeh
Chris: sonyeh
Leyla: So then how do we say days of the week? We say roozhayeh hafteh
Chris: roozhayeh hafteh
Leyla: great, so days of the week. So again, we're, we're learning, you know these measurable concepts of time. So. So now this is a hafteh, let's learn the days of the week. So, in Iran, actually you only have one day off. It's not like the weekend in in the west where you have Saturdays and Sundays off. Your day off is Friday. And so the days of the week start on Saturday. So let's start learning with with Saturday and you'll see why this makes sense. Later. So the word for Saturday is Shambe,
Chris: Shambe.
Leyla: And this is another one of those where you see it written. It's very different than spoken. In written it's actually with a nice sound shambeh, but for some reason everyone pronounces it with a M sound. So that's how we're going to learn it. Shambe,
Chris: Shambe
Leyla: Okay, so Shambe. Then Sunday is yek shambeh
Chris: yek shambeh
Leyla: yak shambeh. Yak means one.
Chris: So it's, it's one day after shambeh.
Leyla: Yes. And then Monday is do shambeh
Chris: do shambeh.
I'm starting to see a pattern.
Leyla: Exactly. If you know your numbers, you know that the next one Tuesday should be seshambeh.
Chris: Seshambeh
Leyla: Great. And then Wednesday,
Chris: Chahrshambeh
Leyla: again, another one of those words when it's pronounced. It's just charshambeh. Then, Thursday panj shambeh
Chris: panj shambeh
Leyla: And then finally,
Chris: is it going to be what I think it's gonna be?
Leyla: Nope. Friday is a totally different word. Jomeh
Chris: Jomeh
Leyla: and that one is so jome tateeleh Fridays off. That's a big concept. jomeh tateele
Chris: jomeh tateeleh
Leyla: Yeah. Which means Friday is free. It's off. And just to go over In the midweek days, so in Iran, it'd be Sunday through Thursday. Vasateh hafteh
Chris: Vasateh hafteh
Leyla: Weekend is akhareh hafteh
Chris: akhareh hafteh
Leyla: Yes. So vasateh hafteh, middle, or akhareh hafteh means end. And obviously, there's so many more words that we can learn about time and about seasons. This is again, the month of the beginning of the year, it's a good time to go over these will have a ton more on our bonus materials that you can go over yourself. That again, the concept of time let's go over one more time. The word for time can either be vakht
Chris: vakht
Leyla: or zaman
Chris: zaman.
Leyla: and zaman is going to keep keep quote flowing by we know that time keeps moving you will find the best thing you can do is study a little bit of Persian every day. While you are while zaman that one keeps moving right
Chris: we have one existence here we have one, one chance to experience Zaman to you, so you better learn Farsi and Persian and keep driving, if that's what you're doing or pull over and contemplate the infinite.
Leyla: That's right. So this was our third lesson in the vocabulary series will be back next month with another theme topic. And we'll learn more vocabulary with so thank you so much for joining us.
Chris: We'll see you guys next time.
Leyla: khoadahafez from Leyla
Chris: vkhodaHafez from Chris. And that's it.