Speak / Lesson 27
Present Continuous Tense
Lesson 27 teaches the present continuous tense.

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how are you?
Note: In Persian, as in many other languages, there is a formal and an informal way of speaking. We will be covering this in more detail in later lessons. For now, however, chetor-ee is the informal way of asking someone how they are, so it should only be used with people that you are familiar with. hālé shomā chetor-é is the formal expression for ‘how are you.’
Spelling note: In written Persian, words are not capitalized. For this reason, we do not capitalize Persian words written in phonetic English in the guides.
I’m well
Pronunciation tip: kh is one of two unique sounds in the Persian language that is not used in the English language. It should be repeated daily until mastered, as it is essential to successfully speak Persian. Listen to the podcast for more information on how to make the sound.
Persian | English |
salām | hello |
chetor-ee | how are you? |
khoobam | I’m well |
merci | thank you |
khayli | very |
khayli khoobam | I’m very well |
khoob neestam | I’m not well |
man | me/I |
bad neestam | I’m not bad |
ālee | great |
chetor-een? | how are you? (formal) |
hālé shomā chetor-é? | how are you? (formal) |
hālet chetor-é? | how are you? (informal) |
khoob-ee? | are you well? (informal) |
mamnoonam | thank you |
chetor peesh meeré? | how’s it going? |
ché khabar? | what’s the news? (what’s up?) |
testeeeee |
Leyla: Hello everyone and welcome to the 27th lesson of Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation!
Matt: As you know, lessons 21-30 make up what we're calling Unit 3 of Chai and Conversation
Our focus on unit 3 is grammar. Hopefully you've been learning a lot so far- please let us know if there's anything specific you'd like to learn that we haven't been covering on the lessons, or if the pace of the lessons is suiting you!
Matt: Also, remember that the audio podcast is only one small part of the lesson. More information and bonus materials, as well as all the previous lessons, can be found at www.chaiandconversation.com with CHAI spelled CHAI.
Leyla: But enough of that for now, Matt, are you ready to begin the lesson?
Matt: Ready!
Leyla: Great! Then let's begin to learn Persian with Chai and Conversation!
Leyla: We've covered a lot of different concepts and conjugations in our grammar lessons so far. It is now time to learn about the present simple tense. As you know, present stems of Persian words are irregular, so they just need to be memorized. Let's go over the present simple tense by learning how to say 'I know, you know, etc.' To make a word into the present simple tense, all you have to do it add the prefix –mi to the present stem of the verb, and then follow it with the personal ending. So, for example, I know is 'meedoonam'
Matt: Meedoonam
Leyla: So in this example, doonestan is the infinitive 'to know.' Doonestan
Matt: Doonestan
Leyla: The present stem of to know is 'doon'
Matt: Doon
Leyla: Again, this is irregular, so you just need to memorize it. Doon
Matt: Doon
Leyla: So again, I know, meedoonam
Matt: Meedoonam
Leyla; And note that in the present simple tense, the mee carries the stress. So meedoonam
Matt: Meedoonam
Leyla: you know, informal, is meedoonee
Matt: Meedoonee
Leyla: He or she knows 'meedoneh'
Matt: Meedooneh
Leyla: We know, meedooneem
Matt: Meedooneem
Leyla: You know formal, meedooneen
Matt: Meedooneen
Leyla: They know, meedoonan
Matt: Meedoonan
Leyla: So to make a present simple tense verb negative, we add the prefix –ne to it. So I don't know is nemeedoonam
Matt: Nemeedoonam
Leyla: How would you say 'we don't know'
Matt: Nemeedooneem
Leyla: They don't know
Matt: Nemeedoonan
Leyla: You don't know, informal
Matt: Nemeedoonee
Leyla: He or she doesn't know
Matt: Nemeedoone
Leyla: And finally, you formal don't know
Matt: Nemeedooneh
Leyla: Now, let's go over this concept with a few different verbs, including a couple of compound verbs. First, let's go over the verb 'to sit.' The infinitive of this verb is 'neshastan'
Matt: Neshastan
Leyla: So, again, since present stems are irregular, you just have to memorize that the present stem of to sit is 'sheen'. So if the formal is to add the prefix –mee and end with the personal pronoun, Matt, how do you say 'I sit.
Matt: Mee sheen am
Leyla: Perfect, you got the formula just right, but your pronunciation needs a little work. The correct way to pronounce I sit it meesheenam
Matt: Meesheenam
Leyla: So the stress is always on the mee. Meesheenam
Matt: Meesheenam
Leyla: How would you say 'we sit'
Matt: Meesheeneem
Leyla: Great, meesheeneem. How about you sit, informal
Matt: Meesheenee
Leyla: Great, meesheenee. So to make this negative, you add a –ne prefix to the whole word. So I don't sit is nemeesheenam
Matt: Nemeesheenam.
Leyla: How would you say they don't sit
Matt: Nemesheenan
Leyla: Great. Another verb we've learned before is 'raftan.' Remember what this means Matt?
Matt: To go
Leyla: Yes, exactly, to go. So the present stem of this verb, interestingly, is simply 'r'. So, I go is 'meeram'
Matt: Meeram
Leyla: Simple enough. What would we go be
Matt: Meereem
Leyla: Meereem, exactly. And you, formal, go?
Matt: Meereen
Leyla: Great, meereen, you formal go. Let's learn another. To eat is 'khordan'.
Matt: Khordan
Leyla: The informal of this is khor, simple enough. So Matt, what is I eat
Matt: Meekhoram
Leyla: Exactly. I think you're getting the hang of this. What is they eat
Matt: Meekhoran.
Leyla: Now let's learn 'to do' so we can have a short conversation. To do is kardan
Matt: Kardan
Leyla: And the present stem of this is 'kon.' So what is I do
Matt: Meekonam
Leyla: you do, informal, is meekonee
Matt: Meekonee
Leyla: Ok, next let's learn a compound verb in the present simple tense. Kar kardan is the infinitive of to work. Kar kardan
Matt: Kar kardan
Leyla: So the present simple stem of kar kardan is kar kon. The first word in the compound verb stays the same- we add the prefix and conjugate the second word. So kar meekonam is I work. Kar meekonam
Matt: Kar meekonam.
Leyls: Kar meekoneem is we work. Kar meekoneem
Matt: Kar meekoneem.
Leyla: And how would you say he or she works
Matt: Kar meekoneh
Leyla: Now, before we go any further, let's talk about one of the best things about colloquial Persian- in colloquial Persian, the present simple tense is used to refer to several things, including to a future act or fact. It also refers to the present continuous. So, we just learned 'kar meekonam'. Dependending on the context, this could mean 'I work' or 'I am working' or I will work' or 'I will be working.' Let's illustrate this with a few simple dialogues. We've learned before the phrase 'akhareh hafteh cheekar kardee'. Do you remember what this means Matt?
Matt: What did you do over the weekend.'
Leyla: Great, so cheekar kardee, means what things did you do. If you want to ask this with the present tense we are learning right now, you say 'cheekar meekonee'
Matt: Cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: Simple enough. It means 'What are you doing'. You could answer 'kar meekonam'
Matt: Kar meekonam
Leyla: Or, I am working. So Matt, ask me what I'm doing, and I'll say I am working
Matt: Cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: Kar meekonam. Now, if you want to change this to the future, and say what are you doing this weekend, you say 'akhareh hafteh cheekar meekonee?'
Matt: Akhareh hafteh cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: So in this context 'cheekar meekonee' refers to the future tense, and I'm asking 'what are you doing next weekend. You can answer by saying 'kar meekonam
Matt: Kar meekonam.
Leyla: So Matt, ask me what I'm doing next weeked.
Matt: Akhareh hafteh cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: Kar meekonam. So I answered the same way I would have if you'd asked what I'm doing right now, but based on context clues, it's clear that I'm talking about next weekend in the future tense.
Ok, let's learn some more verbs. The infinite of to swim is 'shena kardan'
Matt: Shena kardan
Leyla: Great. Like we said in lesson 24, many compound verbs are formed with kardan as the second word. So kar kardan and shena kardan. How would you say I swim
Matt: Shena meekonam
Leyla: And how do you say you informal swim
Matt: Shena meekonee
Leyla: Great. Let's learn another one. The infinitive of to watch is tamasha kardan
Matt: Tamasha kardan
Leyla: How do you say 'I watch'
Matt: Tamasha meekonam
Leyla: And to say, for example, I watch television, you say 'television tamasha meekonam
Matt: Television tamasha meekonam
Leyla: How would you say 'I watch a film
Matt: Feelm tamasha meekonam
Leyla: How about they watch a cartoon?
Matt: Cartoon tamasha meekonan
Leyla: Great! I'm not sure if you knew the word for cartoon already, but if not, great guess- that's exactly how you say cartoon. Now let's learn how to use the simple tense to talk about meals. We learned the word for I eat, it's meekhoram
Matt: Meekhoram
Leyla: So if you want to say I eat breakfast, you say 'sobhaneh meekhoram'
Matt: Sobhaneh meekhoram
Leyla: I eat lunch is nahar meekhoram
Matt: Nahar meekhoram
Leyla: And I eat dinner is shaam meekhoram
Matt: shaam meekhoram
Leyla: So one way that present simple tense can be used is to say a sentence like 'In the mornings, I eat breakfast.' To say this, you say 'sobha, sobhaneh meekhoram
Matt: Sobha sobhaneh meekohram
Leyla: So the suffix ha basically means every. So every morning, I eat breakfast. 'sobha, sobhaneh meekhoram
Matt: Sobha, sobhaneh meekohram
Leyla: Or, shabha, shaam meekhoram
Matt: Shabha, shaam meekhoram.
Leyla: Similarly, if you want to say Sundays, I watch Mad Men, you say 'yek shanbeha, Mad Men tamasha meekonam
Matt: Yek shanbeha, Mad Men tamasha meekonam
Leyla; So by adding ha to the end of yek shanbeh, you're saying every Sunday. Yek shanbeh-ha
Matt: Yek shanbeh –ha
Leyla; And tamasha meekonam as we learned before means I watch. So Yek Shanbeh-ha, Mad Men tamasha mekeonam.
Matt: Yek shanbeh ha Mad Men tamasha meekonam
Leyla: Or say on Monday nights you watch football. You say doshanbeh shabha, football tamasha meekonam
Matt: Doshanbeh shabha, football tamasha meekonam.
Leyla: Ok great. So let's learn the simple present conjugation for one more word that will come in handy in many different ways in the future, and that word is to come, or amadan
Matt: Amadan
Leyla: The present stem of amadan, is, quite strangely, a single vowel- aaa. The literary conjugation for the present stem of this word is rather strange, but we won't confuse you with it. Rather, let's go over the colloquial conjugation of the word now. So I come is meeyam
Matt: meeyam
Leyla: You, informal, come is to meeyay
Matt: To meeyay
Leyla: He or she comes is oo meeyad
Matt: Oo meeyad
Leyla: We come is miaim
Matt: Miaim
Leyla: You come, formal or plural, meeyain
Matt: Meeyain
Leyla: They come, meeyan.
Matt: Meeyan
Leyla: Great. So we've gone over the simple present tense conjugations of many different verbs, both simple and compound, in this lesson. We'll go over more uses of this tense more in the next lesson. But for now, that brings us to the end of lesson 27.
Matt: Thanks so much for joining us.
Leyla: As always, find more information and our bonus materials on our website at www.chaiandconversation.com, with CHAI spelled CHAI
Matt: And until next time, khodahafez from Matt
Leyla; And be omeedeh deedar from Leyla.
Leyla: Ok, let's learn a really simple question you can ask, where the answer will be given in the present simple tense. A possible question to ask is 'cheekar meekonee?'
Matt: Cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: And this simply means 'what are you doing?' Cheekar meekonee?
Matt: Cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: And you can answer this with any present simple verb.
Leyla: Ok, so we learned a question in lesson 24, what did you do over the weekend. Do you remember how to say this Matt?
Matt: Akhareh hafteh cheekar kardee?
Leyla: Exactly. So if we want to ask what someone is doing the next weekend, we simply change this to Akhareh hafteh cheekar meekonee?
Matt: Akhareh hafteh cheekar meekonee?
Leyla: And you can answer with the present simple tense. For example, something I often say is 'Meeram Dallas'
Matt: Meeram Dallas
Leyla: I go to Dallas. Present simple tense.