Speak / Lesson 29
More Present Continuous and Imperatives(!)
Lesson 29 teaches how to emphasize the present continuous tense and how to form imperative statements.

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how are you?
Note: In Persian, as in many other languages, there is a formal and an informal way of speaking. We will be covering this in more detail in later lessons. For now, however, chetor-ee is the informal way of asking someone how they are, so it should only be used with people that you are familiar with. hālé shomā chetor-é is the formal expression for ‘how are you.’
Spelling note: In written Persian, words are not capitalized. For this reason, we do not capitalize Persian words written in phonetic English in the guides.
I’m well
Pronunciation tip: kh is one of two unique sounds in the Persian language that is not used in the English language. It should be repeated daily until mastered, as it is essential to successfully speak Persian. Listen to the podcast for more information on how to make the sound.
Persian | English |
salām | hello |
chetor-ee | how are you? |
khoobam | I’m well |
merci | thank you |
khayli | very |
khayli khoobam | I’m very well |
khoob neestam | I’m not well |
man | me/I |
bad neestam | I’m not bad |
ālee | great |
chetor-een? | how are you? (formal) |
hālé shomā chetor-é? | how are you? (formal) |
hālet chetor-é? | how are you? (informal) |
khoob-ee? | are you well? (informal) |
mamnoonam | thank you |
chetor peesh meeré? | how’s it going? |
ché khabar? | what’s the news? (what’s up?) |
testeeeee |
Leyla: Hello and welcome to Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation. We're so glad that you've joined us!
Matt: Lesson 29 is the last lesson in Unit 3 of Chai and Conversation, the grammar unit
Leyla: In this unit, we've been going over all sorts of different grammar topics, including many of the tenses in the Persian language. In this unit, we're going to go over the present continuous tense, and learn about Imperative verbs.
Matt: Hopefully you've been keeping up with everything we've been learning, but if not, remember that you can always find all of our previous lessons and bonus materials on the website at www.chaiandconversation.com, with CHAI spelled CHAI.
Leyla: And if you've missed it over the past few weeks, we posted a new cultural video about the concept of 'tarof'- it's also on our website, and features Matt acting out several different cultural scenarios. Check it out if you haven't already. But enough of that for now, Matt are you ready to begin the lesson?
Matt: Ready!
Leyla: Great, then let's begin to learn Persian with Chai and Conversation!
Leyla:The past few lessons, we've been going over the future tense. We learned in lesson 27 that in conversational Persian, you use the same structure to express 'present simple', 'future simple' and the present continuous tense.
To be clear that we are in the middle of something, you add the verb 'to have' or dashtan. So for example, if you are in the middle of eating lunch, you say 'daram nahar meekhoram.
Matt: Daram nahar meekhoram.
Leyla:So again, nahar meekhoram could mean present simple, as in I eat, or future simple as in 'I will eat' or present continuous, as in 'I'm eating'. So the word 'daram' is added simply for emphasis- it is not necessary to express the sentiment. But you will hear it stated this way in conversation, so we'll go over it to make sure you have a good hang of it.
Leyla:Let's try the continuous present with another verb we learned in detail, and that is 'to come.' The infinitive of 'to come' is amadan
Matt: Amadan
Leyla:So to say 'I come' in the present tense you say 'meeyam'
Matt: Meeyam
Leyla:Now, this is the colloquial way to conjugate to come in the present tense. In written or formal language, it's would be meeyayam.' But as always, we are sticking with the colloquial. So I come is 'meeyam'
Matt: Meeyam
Leyla:So to say I am coming you say 'daram meeyam'
Matt: Daram meeyam
Leyla:So what if you want to ask someone 'are you coming?' For this, we have to remember the you form of to have. So let's go over the present conguations of to have. WE went over this in lesson 22, but let's review.
Leyla:I have, as we said before is 'daram'
Matt: Daram
Leyla:You have informal is daree
Matt: Daree
Leyla:He or she has is dare
Matt: Dare
Leyla:We have is dareem
Matt: Dareem
Leyla:You have, formal, is dareen
Matt: Dareen
Leyla:They have is daran
Matt: Daran
Leyla:Now, we also went over the present tense conjugations for 'to come' in lesson 27, because we said this was an important verb that would be used over and over again. The colloquial conjugations for this verb are a bit odd, because the colloquial present stem of amadan is simply 'aaa'. So if you remember from lesson 27, the conjugation for you, informal, come in the present tesne is 'meeyay'.
Matt: Meeyay
Leyla: Again, this is the conversational conjugation. As you know, the personal ending for you informal is ee, so really, it should be 'meeyayee,' but in conversation, it's said as 'meeyay'
Matt: Meeyay
Leyla: So to ask are you coming? In the present continuous, you say 'daree meeyay?'
Matt: Daree meeyay?
Leyla: So you conjugate both the first and last word. Daree meeyay? Are you coming? Daree meeyay?
Matt: Daree meeyay?
Leyla: To say he or she is coming, you say 'dare meeyad'
Matt: Dare meeyad.
Leyla: So to say we are coming, you say 'dareem meeyaym'.
Matt: Dareem meeyaym.
Leyla: You, formal, are coming is 'dareen meeyayn'
Matt: Dareen meeyayn.
Leyla: And finally, they are coming is 'daran meeyan'
Matt: Daran meeyan.
Leyla: So again, the verb 'to have' is not completely necessary, it's only to emphasize the fact that this is taking place continuously at the moment. Let's go back to the first example, and practice with that verb. How, again, do you say 'I am eating'
Matt: Daram meekhoram.
Leyla: Perfect, I am eating, daram meekhoram. How would you you are eating, informal?
Matt: Daree meekhoree
Leyla: Great, exactly. How about he or she is eating?
Matt: Dareh meekhoreh
Leyla: Dareh meekhoreh. Perfect. So it's easy because the same ending must be given to both of the verbs. Hopefully you're picking that up. So we are eating?
Matt: Dareem meekhoreem
Leyla: Yes. Dareem meekhoreem. You are eating, formal.
Matt: Dareen meekhoreen.
Leyla: Great, dareen meekhoreen. And finally they are eating?
Matt: Daran meekhoran.
Leyla: Right, daran meekhoran.
Leyla: Ok, moving on- One last thing we are going to cover in the grammar unit is how to express the imperative. Imperative sentences are ones in which you make requests or commands. For example, Sit, please, is an imperative sentence. Let's go over how to say this in Persian. First of all, the infinitive of 'to sit' is neshastan
Matt: Neshastan
Leyla: So the imperative uses the present stem of a word, and as we very well know, present stems in the Persian language are irregular. So the present stem of neshastan is sheen
Matt: Sheen
Leyla: So, let's use this to say 'I sit' just for practice. Again, Matt, how do you construct the present tense of a verb.
Matt: You add the prefix 'mee' to the present stem, and end it with a personal ending.
Leyla: Ok, so how would you do that with neshastan, which has the present stem 'sheen'
Matt: Mee + sheen + am. Meesheenam.
Leyla: Great! So as we've said before, in the present construction of this word, the emphasis goes on the prefix, mee. Meesheenam
Matt: Meesheenam
Leyla: So how would you say you sit in the formal sense in the present tense.
Matt: Meesheeneen
Leyla: Meesheeneen. Great, so this means you sit. Now, we're going to transition to the imperative tense. It's a very slight difference between the present tense and the imperative- that difference being in the prefix of the word. So the construction of the imperative is the prefix 'be' plus the present stem of the word, plus the personal ending. So in others words, to say you sit formally, and in a commanding way, you say besheeneen
Matt: Besheeneen
Leyla: Just as in meesheeneed, the emphasis goes on the prefix. Besheeneen
Matt: Besheeneen
Leyla: So, because this is a command, you can soften it by say 'lotfan besheeneen'
Matt: Lotfan besheeneen
Leyla: We've learned this word 'besheeneen' before in the phrase 'befarmayeen besheen'
Matt: Befarmayeen besheeneen
Leyla: This means 'please go ahead and sit'. So you can see 'befarmayeen' is also an imperative construction, one that we've learned before. 'befarmayeen'
Matt: Befarmayeen.
Leyla: Now, to say 'sit' to a person you have an informal relationship with, you don't add a personal ending to the present stem of the verb. It's even simpler than that. The formula is simply 'be' plus the present stem of the word. So, to say 'you sit' informally, you say 'besheen'
Matt: Besheen
Leyla: So to say please sit, you say 'lotfan besheen'
Matt: Lotfan besheen
Leyla: Or befarma besheen
Matt: Befarma besheen
Leyla: Ok, so let's go over these again. How do you say 'Sit' in the formal manner
Matt: Besheeneen
Leyla: And how do you say 'sit' in the informal manner?
Matt: Besheen
Leyla: How about Please sit in the formal manner?
Matt: Lotfan besheeneen
Leyla: And how about 'please sit' in the informal manner?
Matt: Lotfan besheen
Leyla: And the last way, which makes it even a bit more polite, in the formal manner,
Matt: Befarmayeen besheeneen
Leyla: What does this loosely translate as?
Matt: Please go ahead and sit
Leyla: Right, something like that. And what about in the informal manner?
Matt: Befarma besheen
Leyla: Perfect! Let's make this sentence a tad more complex by saying 'please sit here.' To say this you say 'lotfan eenja besheen' for informal. Lotfan eenja besheen
Matt: Lotfan eenja beesheen.
Leyla: Now let's learn the negative of the imperative. To make this negative, you replace 'be' with 'na'. So don't sit, informally is 'nasheen'
Matt: Nasheen
Leyla: So besheen and nasheen. So the formal way to say 'sit' is besheeneen. How do you think you say 'don't sit'
Matt: Nasheeneen
Leyla: Nasheeneen. Great, besheeneen and nasheeneneen. So now to say 'please don't sit there' formal, you say 'lotfan oonja nasheeneen'
Matt: Lotfan oonja nasheeneen.
Leyla: Let's learn another verb to use as an example. The verb gozashtan means 'to put.' Gozashtan
Matt: Gozashtan
Leyla: The colloquial present stem of this verb is 'zar'. So using the formula, to say 'you go' informal, we simply add the prefix 'be' to this verb to make it imperative. Bezar
Matt: Bezar
Leyla: Meaning put. So the formal version of this is 'bezareen
Matt: Bezareen.
Leyla: So, to say 'put it on the table' informally, you say 'bezar roo meez
Matt: Bezar roo meez
Leyla: The 'it' in put it on the table is implied in this sentence. Bezar roo meez
Matt: Bezar roo meez.
Leyla: Or to say put it down, you say 'bezar payeen'
Matt: Bezar payeen
Leyla: Payeen means down. So how do you say this in the formal manner?
Matt: Bazareen payeen
Leyla: Bezareen payeen
So to make this a bit more complex- to say to put something specific down, such a book, you say 'ketab o bezar payeen'
Matt: Ketab o bezar payeen
Leyla: As we've learned before, 'o' is the colloquial way to say 'ra' which was an object marker. So we are talking about a specific book, and asking the person with whom we're talking to put it down. Ketab o bezar payeen
Matt: Ketab o bezar payeen
Leyla: So how about put the book on the table, informally? This would be ketab o bezar roo meez
Matt: Ketab o bezar roo meez
Leyla: Simple enough! Now for practice, let's repeat these two sentences for a formal audience, and start them with please, or lotfan. How do you say 'Please put the book on the table' formally?
Matt: Lotfan ketab o bezareen roo meez
Leyla: Perfect! The only thing that changed was the verb. Lotfan ketab o bezareen roo meez
Matt: Lotfan ketab o bezareen roo meez
Leyla: And how about please put the book down, formally?
Matt: Lotfan ketab o bezareen payeen
Leyla: Lotfan ketab o bezareen payeen. Perfect. Please put the book down, formally.
Matt: Now, there are several other verbs that would be useful in the imperative tense, but we will stop the lesson here for brevity's sake, and leave those for the bonus materials. And with that, we come to the end of lesson 29!
Matt: And that brings us to the last lesson of Unit 3!
Leyla: Yes, the grammar unit, unit 3 is now completed. Lesson 30 will be a comprehensive review of everything we learned in unit 3, specifically by taking one particular verb, and analyzing it by going through every verb tense we learned through the lessons.
Matt: We've come a long way in this unit. Hopefully you've been able to keep up. If not, remember that all the previous lessons and our bonus materials are available on the website at www.chaiandconversation.com, with CHAI spelled C-H-A-I.
Leyla: We're excited about the next unit too- we'll be revealing more about that soon.
Matt: But for now, khodahafez from Matt
Leyla: And beh omeedeh deedar from leyla!